An artist self-management group aimed at maximizing artistic potential through education, execution, and community.


Our Goal

To give you the knowledge, resources, and community that will facilitate artist growth and development as you define it.


Areas of Focus

We offer FREE music industry workshops covering 11 topics.

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Below are 3 topic examples along with their workshop descriptions:

Artist Development

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The path of growth an artist takes to reach their goals in their craft. The process of defining and owning your artistic footprint in order to grow and achieve.

Social Media

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Understanding the unique advantage social media provides the music industry and how to leverage it for artistic promotion.



Strategic placement of your music on streaming platform playlists to broaden fanbase engagement and increase exposure to new audiences.


We are looking for 10-15 dedicated artists to make up the Channel ZERO team!

Throughout the workshops we will be targeting artists to cultivate our community.

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